Mission: Education
One of Breastoration’s objectives is to educate all women about their choices for breast reconstruction.
One of the primary reasons we started the Breastoration Foundation is because we, and so many other women we’ve talked with, were unaware of the many advances that have taken place in the field of breast reconstruction. This lack of knowledge extends to doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel. The information gap is frustrating, especially when there is so much media coverage of other breast cancer issues.
We believe women might not procrastinate having regular mammograms or be as terrified of the word “mastectomy, if they were knew what is now possible in this field. We have also encountered many women who say they would have made different reconstruction choices if they had more information. This may have produced better aesthetic results or avoided their need for additional corrective surgeries. The breast cancer voyage is a very difficult one, in the best of circumstances, without having to navigate an additional storm one could have steered clear of altogether.
Mission: Financial Assistance
One of Breastoration’s objectives is to provide ancillary financial assistance to women seeking breast reconstruction in Louisiana.
Women seeking reconstruction in Louisiana area who qualify for financial aid are required to complete an application process and meet certain pre-determined criteria for consideration of such assistance.
If you are a woman in need of financial assistance in order to have breast reconstruction in the state of Louisiana, please download the Breastoration application